Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jen Dipzinski at Two Peas in a Bucket has the greatest new kit out! It is called "ABC123 School Kit" and has lots of hand drawn elements and great papers. Here are Luke and Grace's new school pictures.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We are leaving tomorrow for Aloha State Park for the weekend. Should be really fun, I hope the fishing is good for the guys. Gabe is really getting over his bronchitis and feeling much better. He was really sick with it, and summertime seems to make it so much worse.

Here is 365 week 32, and a couple of heritage pages.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Has it really been a month since I posted anything! I am really bad at this, but will just have to keep trying and get better. Positive thinking can be very powerful.

Gabe has been really sick with bronchitis, so I have had a horrible week. Looking after him, Teagan and still working at the library with little or no sleep is taking it's toll. I had to start taking Bach's Rescue Remedy on a regular basis and that has really helped. He is a lot better this weekend, even
helped me clean the house, awesome man!

Here are a few layouts I've done in the last month --

Teagan and Grace having a wonderful time doing tricks and playing in the swimming pool.

The next one is my current 365. I am doing really good with it.
From our camping trip a couple weeks ago to Onaway. Not a great park, to unlevel!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Yesterday was our 40th wedding anniversary. The girls all chipped in a got dinner from Mancino's and brought it over with beautiful gifts to boot. What a fun time. It is so hot right now, heat index of 108 yesterday, and right now it is 107 heat index. The high humidity is what makes it seems so hot, although the temps are in the high 80's and low to mid 90's. I shouldn't complain, poor Steve is dealing with 135 actual temp in Kandahar.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Here we are half way through the summer with the start of Alpenfest week! We have only been camping twice so far this year. Hopefully August will be much busier. We will be going to Onaway State Park next. Have spots up in the top campground. Should be interesting to see how it is, the fishing is supposed to be great.

These layouts are of the kids at the State Park and also one about the new camper.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Catching up

Here is my layout for week 14 of my 365.

Here is week 13 of my 365.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I've decided to post my 365's on Sunday and then I won't get too bogged down in the week and forget. We still have a lot of snow in the backyard and the temps, except for a couple promise days, have been really cold. I always figure when the weather turns unexpectedly warm that God is throwing you a promise that Spring will come soon. I hate it when people say those kind of days are just teasers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Whoa, just checking back in and I am so far behind posting my 365's. I think I'll just skip a few and here are the last few weeks!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jen Dipzinski has a new kit out at Two Peas. It is called LOVEly Doodles and is just so cute. It is really versatile and of course with my penchant for "pink pages" is just perfect.

Here is a page I did with it:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Here I am, way behind AGAIN! Someday I will get organized a little bit, but Lord knows when. The weather here has been just bitter. Below zero at night and single digits in the day with 15 to 20 mph winds. Lord I just cannot wait for spring! Here are the latest two sets of my 365. At least I am managing to stay up to date on that.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

365 -- Well I have managed to not only keep up this week, but also get it uploaded on time! Sometimes I amaze myself. The weather here has been just bitter, it is so depressing, too cold to get out and do anything; at least for me. I can't wait for spring. We will be getting a new camper, and plan on going a lot! Make the most of the summer months while we have them.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I managed to keep up with the second week of my 365! Of course I didn't get it uploaded on time, but here it is now. I've never done a 365 before and the challenges with it are very different than what I expected. I thought it would be hard to keep up with designing the pages and actually finding the time to do it. So far that doesn't seem to be a problem. What I am having a hard time with is deciding what to take a photo of and choosing one incident for each day. My life seems so much the same, especially in the winter, that I could make one set of pages and just change the dates on them each week! LOL Oh well, enough grumping; I will persevere and maybe get better at it and a little less boring.

Friday, January 7, 2011

I made it through the first week of my 365. It was really surprising; a very different experience. I always just snap photos here and there without any thought behind it, but to have to be sure to take a photo each day, and then to be sure it will fit what you're journaling about... you either have to plan ahead or be very creative with what you have. : )

I started taking the Christmas decorations down today and plan on getting the rest tomorrow. Christmas is officially done for another year. I suppose it will be nice to have the house back in order, but it will look awfully bare for a while.

Here is my very first 365 layout -

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year Everyone!
Here I am at the very beginning of my new life in 2011. I have made resolutions this year and intend to keep them.

We had a really fun New Year's Eve with all the girls and their families coming over to watch the ball drop! Teagan made it until about 10:30 and then they had to go, but for 15 months old I thought that was pretty good. Gracie and Luke managed to stay up all the way, but weren't really impressed with it. Kids are so funny.

Here is the intro page for my very first 365! I will try and remember to post each new set of pages here at the end of each week. I am really looking forward to it. I did a weekly book for Teagan last year, so now I think I am ready for the big guns. Time will tell, and wish me luck!