Sunday, March 27, 2011

I've decided to post my 365's on Sunday and then I won't get too bogged down in the week and forget. We still have a lot of snow in the backyard and the temps, except for a couple promise days, have been really cold. I always figure when the weather turns unexpectedly warm that God is throwing you a promise that Spring will come soon. I hate it when people say those kind of days are just teasers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Whoa, just checking back in and I am so far behind posting my 365's. I think I'll just skip a few and here are the last few weeks!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jen Dipzinski has a new kit out at Two Peas. It is called LOVEly Doodles and is just so cute. It is really versatile and of course with my penchant for "pink pages" is just perfect.

Here is a page I did with it: