Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Moving in

Since Yahoo/Geocities closed their free websites in October I haven't had a cyber home. My website "Best Friends" had been up and evolving since about 1997. I had written all the html, done it with Windows 95 and a dial-up connection, and was very proud of it. After searching for and not really coming up with a new place to do another website, my daughter Jenny suggested that I try doing a blog, so here I am!

The name of this blog pretty much describes my life. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband, four marvelous children, my precious Brittany - Maggie, and six grandchildren that are just the joy of my life. God is so good.

I hope to include some scrapbook pages, some good recipes, maybe some of my favorite quotes and being a Librarian, some suggestions for a good read. I will try to keep up with this and not bore you too much.
Joy and blessings,


  1. Looking forward to seeing your layouts!

  2. Hi! Love your dog! Ours "looks" a bit like yours, but she's probably about 1 1/2 foot shorter!! She's a part King Charles Spaniel mutt! (we got her at the pound when she was about 5 years old) and we've had her for 5 years next week. She was the best 37.50 we've ever spent!! So much love comes with having a great pet!!
    My three daughters all played the violin when they were young, but none of them are current with it now. Life and raising their own kids kind of got in the way of a lot in their lives! I'm looking forward to seeing your layouts here--and good luck with your blog!

  3. You have made a very pretty blog. I hope your new cyber home is comfortable.
    Thanks for your kind words on my layout.
