Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We are leaving tomorrow for Aloha State Park for the weekend. Should be really fun, I hope the fishing is good for the guys. Gabe is really getting over his bronchitis and feeling much better. He was really sick with it, and summertime seems to make it so much worse.

Here is 365 week 32, and a couple of heritage pages.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Has it really been a month since I posted anything! I am really bad at this, but will just have to keep trying and get better. Positive thinking can be very powerful.

Gabe has been really sick with bronchitis, so I have had a horrible week. Looking after him, Teagan and still working at the library with little or no sleep is taking it's toll. I had to start taking Bach's Rescue Remedy on a regular basis and that has really helped. He is a lot better this weekend, even
helped me clean the house, awesome man!

Here are a few layouts I've done in the last month --

Teagan and Grace having a wonderful time doing tricks and playing in the swimming pool.

The next one is my current 365. I am doing really good with it.
From our camping trip a couple weeks ago to Onaway. Not a great park, to unlevel!